This is a selection of publications and press articles for you to download.
Contact Lincoln & Co to request which document you wish to be sent.
How to avoid being hit by empty property rates
Identifies the issues related to Business Rates and identifies Lincoln & Co as having solutions.
Nova Loca Article
Lincoln Fact Find - Charity
How the Charity scheme works
Empty Rates - Why Pay Business Rates?
The background to business rates and explains the different options to mitigate business rates
White Paper
Business Rates - Valuations Repairs Refurbishment and Dilapidated Buildings
Explains the Valuation Office Agency Processes for working out the rateable value, how to challenge it and what can be done if the premises are in disrepair
White Paper
Good Practice Guide - Securing Empty Property
Suggests steps to reduce the risk of vandalism, theft, squatters, fly-tipping and degradation whilst a property is empty.
Produced by our partners, Secure Empty Properties.
White Paper
Lessees in Administration
A brief paper to explain the principal rules around rates-free periods should your lessee go into administration or receivership
White Paper